# Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator. # Any items in the `env` entry below will be added as # environment variables. Some entries may override variables # set by alacritty itself. schemes: solarized_light: &light # Default colors primary: background: '#fdf6e3' # base3 foreground: '#657b83' # base00 # Cursor colors cursor: text: '#fdf6e3' # base3 cursor: '#657b83' # base00 # Normal colors normal: black: '#073642' # base02 red: '#dc322f' # red green: '#859900' # green yellow: '#b58900' # yellow blue: '#268bd2' # blue magenta: '#d33682' # magenta cyan: '#2aa198' # cyan white: '#eee8d5' # base2 # Bright colors bright: black: '#002b36' # base03 red: '#cb4b16' # orange green: '#586e75' # base01 yellow: '#657b83' # base00 blue: '#839496' # base0 magenta: '#6c71c4' # violet cyan: '#93a1a1' # base1 white: '#fdf6e3' # base3 solarized_dark: &dark # Default colors primary: background: '#002b36' # base03 foreground: '#839496' # base0 # Cursor colors cursor: text: '#002b36' # base03 cursor: '#839496' # base0 # Normal colors normal: black: '#002b36' # base03 red: '#dc322f' # red green: '#859900' # green yellow: '#b58900' # yellow blue: '#268bd2' # blue magenta: '#d33682' # magenta cyan: '#2aa198' # cyan white: '#eee8d5' # base2 # Bright colors bright: black: '#073642' # base02 red: '#cb4b16' # orange green: '#586e75' # base01 yellow: '#657b83' # base00 blue: '#839496' # base0 magenta: '#6c71c4' # violet cyan: '#93a1a1' # base1 white: '#fdf6e3' # base3 colors: *dark #window: # opacity: 0.9 font: normal: family: Fira Code style: Regular bold: family: Fira Code style: Bold italic: family: Fira Code style: Italic bold_italic: family: Fira Code style: Bold Italic size: 11.0