lsp completion selection behaviour now more similar to default vim completion.

- Selecting completion items now changes text in the buffer directly
  without having to confirm it with <C-y>.
This commit is contained in:
Sheldon Lee 2023-04-08 01:37:35 +01:00
parent 864d76ed7d
commit c5842ac5ec

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@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
local lsp = require('lsp-zero').preset({}) local lsp = require('lsp-zero').preset({})
local cmp = require('cmp');
-- Set the lsp autocomplete to put text from selection into the buffer.
-- This setup_nvim_cmp function is deprecated, though this seems to be
-- the cleanest solution as of lsp-zero v2.x. A fallback solution is
-- commented out below.
select_behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert
vim.diagnostic.config({ vim.diagnostic.config({
virtual_text = true virtual_text = true
@ -16,3 +26,29 @@ end)
require('lspconfig').lua_ls.setup(lsp.nvim_lua_ls()) require('lspconfig').lua_ls.setup(lsp.nvim_lua_ls())
lsp.setup() lsp.setup()
-- Below commented code is a fallback for when the setup_nvim_cmp()
-- is gone
-- This is adapted from the defaults provided by lsp-zero
-- - see
--local select_opts = { behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert }
-- mapping = {
-- ['<C-p>'] = cmp.mapping(function()
-- if cmp.visible() then
-- cmp.select_prev_item(select_opts)
-- else
-- cmp.complete()
-- end
-- end),
-- ['<C-n>'] = cmp.mapping(function()
-- if cmp.visible() then
-- cmp.select_next_item(select_opts)
-- else
-- cmp.complete()
-- end
-- end),
-- }